Sunday, January 5, 2014

CHAPTER 12 - Thought-Power For A New Civilization

Pure Thoughts - Their Impact On The World 

The western psychologists and occultists lay great emphasis and stress on the purity of Thoughts. Thought-culture is an exact Science. One should cultivate right thinking and should drive out all sorts of vain and worldly Thoughts.  

He who entertains evil Thoughts causes great harm unto himself and to the world at large. He pollutes the Thought-world. His evil Thoughts enter the Minds of others who live at a long distance, because Thought moves with a tremendous lightning speed.  

Evil Thoughts are the direct cause for all sorts of diseases. All diseases take their origin at first from an impure Thought. He who entertains good, sublime and Divine Thoughts does immerse good unto himself and to the world also. He can radiate joy, hope, solace and peace to his friends who live at a distance.  

Thought-Power For World-Weal  

Karma is action and also the Law of Cause and Effect. All kingdoms below the human kingdom are "Mindless". Therefore, they cannot generate Thoughts. Further they have no idea of right and wrong, what ought to be done and what ought not to be done and so they cannot create Karma. 

Thoughts are solid things, more solid than a lump of sugar-candy. They have tremendous force or power. Utilize this Thought power carefully. It can serve you nicely in a variety of ways. But do not misuse this power at random. If you misuse this power, you will have quick downfall or a terrible reaction. Utilize it to help others.  

Thought Power For Cultivation Of Courage And Love 

Destroy ruthlessly the fear-Thoughts, selfish Thoughts, the hate-Thoughts, lustful Thoughts, and other morbid negative Thoughts. These evil Thoughts induce weakness, disease, disharmony, depression and despair.  

Cultivate positive Thoughts such as mercy, courage, love and purity. The negative Thoughts will die by themselves. Try this and feel your strength. Pure Thoughts will infuse in you a new exalted life. 

Sublime Divine Thoughts produce tremendous influence in the Mind and drive away evil Thoughts and change the mental substance. Mind is wholly changed into light by entertaining Divine Thoughts.  

Thought Power For An Ideal Life 

Entertain loftiest Thoughts. Your character will be exalted. Your life will be noble and ideal.  

But, different people have different mental backgrounds. People vary in their capacities, mental and intellectual, and in physical and mental strength to do things. Therefore each of you should have an ideal which is suited to your temperament, your capacity, and realize it with great enthusiasm and dynamic action.  

The ideal of one person will not suit another. If one keeps an ideal that he cannot realize, an ideal that is beyond his reach and capacity, he will get disappointment. He will give up this effort and become Tamasic.  

You should have your own ideal. You may realize it this moment or after ten years with faltering steps. It does not matter much. Everyone should endeavour his or her level best to live up to this ideal. Your whole energy, nerve-force and will must be put in the realization of this ideal.  

You can chalk out your own ideal yourself according to your own standard. If you are unable to do this, have your guide and he will select for you the ideal that is suitable to your capacity and standard.  

One should not treat a man, who has a low ideal, with contempt. He may be a baby-soul, who is just crawling now in his moral or Spiritual path. Your duty is to help him in all possible ways in the realization or accomplishment of his ideal. You should give him all sorts of encouragement in his sincere endeavour to live up to his own highest ideal.  

It is highly deplorable to note that the vast majority of persons have no ideal at all. Even educated persons do not cherish any ideal. They lead an aimless life and therefore are drifted hither and thither like a piece of straw.  

They make no progress in life. Is this not a very sad plight? Highly lamentable indeed! It is very difficult to get a human birth and yet people do not realize the importance of keeping up an ideal and living up to the ideal.  

The idea of "Eat, drink and be merry", is adopted by the Epicureans, the gluttons and rich people. This school of Thoughts has countless followers and the number is increasing by leaps and bounds daily.  

This is the ideal of Virochana. This is the ideal of Asuras and Rakshasas. This ideal will lead a man to the dark region of misery and sorrow.  

Blessed is the man who elevates his Thoughts, keeps up an ideal and struggles hard to live up to his own ideal, for he will soon attain God-consciousness.  

Thought-Energy For Service And Spiritual Progress 

Even as energy is wasted in idle talk and gossiping, so also energy is wasted in entertaining useless Thoughts. Therefore, you should not waste even a single Thought. Do not waste even an iota of energy in useless thinking.  

Conserve all mental energy. Utilize it for higher Spiritual purposes, in Divine contemplation, Brahma-Chintana and Brahma-Vichara. Conserve all Thought-energy and utilize it for meditation and helpful service to humanity.  

Drive away from your Mind all unnecessary, useless and obnoxious Thoughts. Useless Thoughts impede your Spiritual growth; obnoxious Thoughts are stumbling blocks to Spiritual advancement.  

You are away from God when you entertain useless Thoughts. Substitute Thoughts of God. Entertain only Thoughts that are helpful and useful.  

Useful Thoughts are the stepping-stones to Spiritual growth and progress. Do not allow the Mind to run into the old grooves and have its own ways and habits. Be on the careful watch.  

Help The World By Good Thoughts 

Like attracts like. If you entertain an evil Thought, that Thought attracts all sorts of evil Thoughts from other people. You pass on those Thoughts to others also.  

Thought moves. Thought is a living dynamic force. Thought is a thing. If you allow your Mind to dwell on a sublime Thought, this Thought will attract good Thoughts from others. 

You pass on that good Thought to others. You pollute the world with your bad Thoughts. 

Thought-Power And The Conditions Of A New Civilization  

Thought makes man. Man makes civilization. There is a powerful Thought-force behind every great event in life and in the history of the world.  

Behind all discoveries and inventions, behind all religions and philosophies, behind all life-saving or life-destroying devices is Thought.  

Thought is expressed in words and executed in deeds. Word is the handmaid of Thought, and deed is the end-result. Hence, the saying, "As you think, so you become"

How to build a new civilization? 

By generating a new Thought-force.  

How to build a civilization that will ensure the peace of mankind, the prosperity of society, the salvation of the individual?  

By generating a Thought-force that will invariably result in man enjoying peace of Mind, that will instill in his heart the Divine virtues of compassion, of service to his fellow-men, love of God, and of an intense desire to realize Him. 

If but a fraction of the wealth and the time spent on wasteful pursuits and destructive activities is devoted to the creation of a GOOD THOUGHT, there will be a new civilization right now.  

Atomic and hydrogen bombs, I.C.B.M. and a host of other inventions drive mankind inevitably to destruction.  

They waste your wealth; they destroy your neighbours; they pollute the atmosphere of the whole world, and generate fear, hatred, and suspicion in your heart, the Mind is unbalanced and the body is subjected to diseases. Stop this trend.   

Promote research in Spirituality, in religion, in all the good things of life. Support the philosophers and Saints - the real benefactors of Mankind. Encourage them in their study of religion, researches in ancient Spiritual literature, and the projection of a great Thought-force for the good.  

Ban all literature that pollutes the Thoughts of the young. Flood the young Brain with healthy Thoughts, ideas and ideals.  

The man who commits murder, the man who steals your purse, the man who cheats you - Law punishes him. But this crime is insignificant when compared to the crime committed by the wicked intellectual who instills a wicked idea into the Mind of youth.  

He is the author of many murders that take place on earth; he steals your greatest wealth, viz., wisdom; he cheats you by presenting you with poison in the name of sweet elixir. The Law of the new civilization will deal very severely with such Asuric Beings.  

The new civilization will give every encouragement to those who wish to study philosophy, religion and Spiritual Thought. It will make their study compulsory in schools and colleges. It will award scholarships to students of philosophy. It will confer prizes and titles on those who conduct researches in religion and philosophy. The deepest urge in man - the Spiritual urge - will be given the fullest scope to realize its goal.  

The fruits of the New Civilization are well-worth all that everybody can do towards building it up. In the New Civilization man will want to lead a righteous life, he will be eager to serve his fellow-Beings and share with them what he has; he will love all, realizing that his own Self dwells in all; he will be devoted to the welfare of all Beings.  

What an ideal society it will be, where people share with others all that they possess, and will serve everybody! Where will be the need for taxes and duties in such a society in which everyone will voluntarily work for all? Where is the need for police and the army when people are devoted to virtue? 

This then is the ideal. Towards this end, let everyone strive to generate a Thought-force.

May God bless you all! 

Other Chapters Of THOUGHT-POWER By Sri Swami Sivananda:- 

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9:

Chapter 10:

Chapter 11: 

CHAPTER 11 - Thought Power For God-Realization

Life - An Interplay Of Thoughts 

The Thought that you hold, will manifest in your life. If you are courageous, cheerful, compassionate, tolerant and kind then these qualities will manifest in your physical life. The only impurity of the Mind is base Thought and desire.  

Guard your good Thoughts as an alert watchman guards the treasury. When there is not the "I"-Thought then there will be no other Thought.  

Life is an interplay of Thoughts. Duality ceases when the Mind stops its function. Thinking is bound by the time-factor. Thinking must cease. Then alone you will attain the Timeless. Be still.  

Let all the waves of Thought subside. In that stillness, when the Mind melts, there shines the self-effulgent Atman, the pure Consciousness. Watch the Mind. Watch the Thoughts. Pursue serenity. Make your heart a fitting abode for the Lord.  

Thought Results In Spiritual Experience 

The molten gold, which is poured into a crucible, assumes the shape of the crucible. Even so, the Mind assumes the form of object which it pervades.  

The Mind assumes the shape of any object it intensely thinks upon. If it thinks of an orange, it assumes the shape of an orange.  

If it thinks of Lord Krishna, it assumes the form of Lord Krishna. You must train the Mind properly, and give it proper Sattvic food for assimilation. Have a Sattvic background of Thought or mental image. 

The same Thoughts which are entertained by the man during the day, occupy his Mind during dream also. If you have purity and concentration, you can make the Mind assume any Bhava you like. If you think of mercy, your whole Being will be saturated with mercy. If you think of peace, the whole Being will be pervaded with peace.  

It is the mental Bhava or attitude that determines the nature of an action and brings its fruits. You may embrace your mother or sister of your wife. The action is the same but the mental Bhava is different.  

Watch your Bhavana, ideas and feelings always. Your Bhavana should always be Sattvic. You should always entertain Brahma-Bhavana. Watch the Bhavana during the meditation. You need not watch the breath.  

The Thoughts you create in your Mind and the images you form in your daily life will help you in making what you are or what you want to become. If you constantly think of Lord Krishna, you will become identical with the Lord. You will abide in Him forever.  

Thoughts Of God 

Your Mind must be empty of all worldly Thoughts. It must be filled with Thoughts of God and with nothing else. 

Keep your Mind filled with good, Divine, sublime lofty Thoughts, so that there will be no room for evil Thoughts. Never speak any unnecessary word. Never allow any unnecessary or vain Thought to occupy your Mind.  

Divine Thoughts For Freedom From Diseases 

The best medicine or panacea for all diseases and for keeping good health, is the entertaining of Divine Thoughts. The waves released by Divine Thoughts, by Kirtan, Japa and regular meditation, will electrify, rejuvenate, vivify, energize the cells, tissues, nerves.  

Another cheap and potent drug is to keep oneself always joyful and cheerful. Study the Gita daily, one or two chapters with meaning. Keep yourself fully occupied which is a remedy to keep off Thoughts of worldliness. 

Fill the Mind with Sattva and enjoy wonderful health and peace. Obtain an association with the wise, cultivate faith, serenity, truthfulness, courage, mercy, devotion, love, cheerfulness, confidence, Divine Thought and Divine virtues.  

Allow the Mind to run in the Spiritual direction, in Divine grooves; your Mind will be peaceful and generate harmonious vibrations. You will enjoy excellent mental health and have no physical disease. 

Thought-Culture By Knowledge And Devotion 

Sit in a solitary place and watch your Thoughts carefully. Allow the monkey Mind to jump in its own way for some time. After some time it will climb down. It will become quiet. Be a Sakshi or witness of the menagerie of various Thoughts in the Eternal circus or show. Become a spectator of the mental bioscopic film. 

Do not identify with the Thoughts. Take an indifferent attitude. All Thoughts will die by themselves one by one. 

Repeat mentally, "Om I am Sakshi. Who am I? I am thoughtless Atman. I have nothing to do with these false mental pictures and Thoughts. Let them roll on. I have no concern with them". All Thoughts will perish. The Mind will perish like the gheeless lamp. 

Fix the Mind on the form of Lord Hari or Lord Siva or Lord Krishna or your Guru or any Saint like Lord Buddha or Lord Jesus. Again and again try to call this mental image of the picture. All Thoughts will die. This is another method, the method of Bhaktas.  

Thoughts And Yoga Practice Of Mental Quietude 

Sit peacefully. Discriminate. Dissociate yourself from Thoughts and the Mind which is the thinking principle or entity. 

Identify yourself with the innermost Self and stand as a silent witness or Sakshi. Gradually all Thoughts will die by themselves. You will become one with the Supreme Self or Para Brahman.  

Continue the practice of mental quietude. It does require, doubtless a direct effort to annihilate the Mind. 

You should annihilate the Vasanas first. Then alone you will be able to do the Sadhana of mental quiet vigorously. Without producing Vasana-Kshaya, no mental quiet or annihilation of the Mind is possible. 

Winning Friends By Practice Of Yoga  

"Win friends and influence people": This Dale Carnagie principle is but a leaf out of the ancient Indian volume on psycho-Spiritual science. Practice Yoga; the entire world will worship you. You will unconsciously attract to yourself every living Being; even Gods will be at your beck and call. 

Even among wild beasts and bloody brutes you will "win friends". Serve all; love all. Unfold your inner powers through the practice of Raja Yoga, through the control and conquest of Thought Power. 

Through the practice of Yoga, you can make the whole humanity and all living Beings members of your own family. Through the practice of Yoga you can overcome all difficulties and can eradicate all weaknesses. 

Through the practice of Yoga pain can be transmuted into bliss, death into immortality, sorrow into joy, failure into success and sickness into perfect health. Therefore, practice Yoga diligently. 

The Yogic State Of Thoughtlessness 

Generally there is no genuine Spiritual awakening in students. There is mere curiosity for getting some psychic or Yogic powers. That students is far from God as long as he retains some hidden desires for Siddhis. Strictly observe the ethical rules. 

Transform the worldly nature first. If you become absolutely desireless, absolutely Thoughtless, absolutely Vrittiless, if the mental Vrittis are destroyed in toto, Kundalini will ascend by itself, without effort, through the force of purity. Remove the dross of Mind. You will yourself get help and answer from within.  

Yogi Of The Developed Thought-Power 

The Yogi who has developed his powers of Thoughts, has a magnetic and charming personality. Those who come in contact with him are much influenced by his sweet voice, powerful speech, lustrous eyes, brilliant complexion, strong healthy body, good behaviour, virtuous qualities and Divine Nature.  

People derive joy, peace and strength from him. They are inspired by his speech and get elevation of Mind by mere contact with him. 

Thought moves. Thought is a great force. A Yogi or Sage can purify the whole world with his powerful Thoughts though he remains in a solitary cave in the Himalayas. 

It is not necessary that he should appear on the platform and deliver lectures and discourses to help the people. Sattva is intense activity. The wheel that revolves very rapidly appears to be at rest. So is Sattva. So is a Sattvic man.  

Thought-Boats To Infinite Strength 

Life is a journey from impurity to purity, from hatred to Cosmic Love, from death to immortality, from imperfection to perfection, from slavery to freedom, from diversity to unity, from ignorance to Eternal wisdom, from pain to Eternal bliss, from weakness to Infinite strength. 

Let every Thought take you nearer the Lord, every Thought further your evolution. 

Other Chapters Of THOUGHT-POWER By Sri Swami Sivananda:- 

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9:

Chapter 10:

Chapter 12:  

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