Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Part Twenty - The Master Key System

For many years there has been an endless discussion as to the origin of evil. Theologians have told us that God is Love, and that God is Omnipresent. If this be true, there is no place where God is not. Where, then, is Evil, Satan and Hell?  

Let us see: 

God is Spirit.

Spirit is the Creative Principle of the Universe. 
Man is made in the image and likeness of God. 
Man is therefore a Spiritual Being.  
The only activity which Spirit possesses is the power to think.  
Thinking is therefore a creative process.  
All form is therefore the result of the thinking process. 
The destruction of form must also be a result of the thinking process.  
Fictitious representations of form are the result of the creative power of Thought, as in Hypnotism.   
Apparent representation of form are the result of the creative power of Thought, as in Spiritualism.  
Invention, organization and constructive work of all kinds are the result of the creative power of Thought, as in concentration.  
When the creative power of Thought is manifested for the benefit of humanity, we call the result good.  
When the creative power of Thought is manifested in a destructive or evil manner, we call the result evil.  

This indicates the origin of both good and evil; they are simply words which have been coined in order to indicate the nature of the result of the thinking or creative process. Thought necessarily precedes and predetermines action; action precedes and predetermines condition.  

Part Twenty will throw more light upon this important subject. 


  1. The Spirit of a thing is that thing; it is necessarily fixed, changeless and Eternal. The Spirit of you is - you; without the Spirit you would be nothing. It becomes active through your recognition of it and its possibilities.   
  2. You may have all the wealth in Christendom, but unless you recognize it and make use of it, it will have no value; so with your Spiritual wealth; unless you recognize it and use it, it will have no value. The one and only condition of Spiritual power is use or recognition.  
  3. All great things come through recognition; the scepter of power is consciousness, and Thought is its messenger, and this messenger is constantly molding the realities of the invisible world into the conditions and environments of your Objective World.  
  4. Thinking is the true business of life, power is the result. You are at all times dealing with the magical power of Thought and consciousness. What results can you expect so long as you remain oblivious to the power which has been placed within your control?  
  5. So long as you do this you limit yourself to superficial conditions, and make of yourself a beast of burden for those who think; those who recognize their power; those who know that unless we are willing to think we shall have to work, and the less we think the more we shall have to work, and the less we shall get for our work.  
  6. The secret of power is a perfect understanding of the principles, forces, methods and combinations of Mind, and a perfect understanding of our relationship to the Universal Mind. It is well to remember that this principle is unchangeable; if this were not so, it would not be reliable; all principles are changeless.  
  7. This stability is your opportunity; you are its active attribute, the channel for its activity; the Universal can act only through the individual.  
  8. When you begin to perceive that the essence of the Universal is within yourself - is you - you begin to do things; you begin to feel your power; it is the fuel which fires the imagination; which lights the torch of inspiration; which gives vitality to Thought; which enables you to connect with all the invisible forces of the Universe. It is this power which will enable you to plan fearlessly, to execute masterfully.   
  9. But perception will come only in the Silence; this seems to be the condition required for all great purposes. You are a visualizing entity. Imagination is your workshop. It is here that your ideal is to be visualized.   
  10. As a perfect understanding of the nature of this power is a primary condition for its manifestation, visualize the entire method over and over again, so that you may use it whenever occasion requires. The infinity of wisdom is to follow the method whereby we may have the inspiration of the Omnipotent Universal Mind on demand at any time.  
  11. We can fail to recognize this World Within, and so exclude it from our consciousness, but it will still be the basic fact of all existence; and when we learn to recognize it, no only in ourselves, but in all persons, events, things and circumstances we shall have found the "Kingdom of Heaven" which we are told is "within" us.  
  12. Our failures are a result of the operation of exactly the same principle; the principle is unchangeable; its operation is exact, there is no deviation; if we think lack, limitation, discord, we shall find their fruits on every hand; if we think poverty, unhappiness or disease, the Thought messengers will carry the summons as readily as any other kind of Thought and the result will be just as certain. If we fear a coming calamity, we shall be able to say with Job, "the thing I feared has come upon me"; if we think unkindly or ignorantly we shall thus attract to ourselves the results of our ignorance.   
  13. This power of Thought, if understood and correctly used, is the greatest labor-saving device ever dreamed of, but if not understood or improperly used, the result will in all probability be disastrous, as we have already seen; by the help of this power you can confidently undertake things that are seemingly impossible, because this power is the secret of all inspiration, all genius.   
  14. To become inspired means to get out of the beaten path, out of the rut, because extraordinary results require extraordinary means. When we come into a recognition of the Unity of all things and that the source of all power is within, we tap the source of inspiration.   
  15. Inspiration is the art of imbibing, the art of Self-realization; the art of adjusting the individual Mind to that of the Universal Mind; the art of attaching the proper mechanism to the source of all power; the art of differentiating the formless into form; the art of becoming a channel for the flow of Infinite Wisdom; the art of visualizing perfection; the art of realizing the Omnipresence of Omnipotence.  
  16. An understanding and appreciation of the fact that the infinite power is Omnipresent and is therefore in the infinitely small as well as the infinitely large will enable us to absorb its essence; a further understanding of the fact that this power is Spirit and therefore indivisible will enable us to appreciate its present at all points at the same time.  
  17. An understanding of these facts, first intellectually and then emotionally, will enable us to drink deeply from this ocean of infinite power. An intellectual understanding will be of no assistance; the emotions must be brought into action; Thought without feeling is cold. The required combination is Thought and feeling.   
  18. Inspiration is from within. The Silence is necessary, the senses must be stilled, the muscles relaxed, repose cultivated. When you have thus come into possession of a sense of poise and power you will be ready to receive the information or inspiration or wisdom which may be necessary for the development of your purpose.  
  19. Do not confuse these methods with those of the clairvoyant; they have nothing in common. Inspiration is the art of receiving and makes for all that is best in life; your business in life is to understand and command these invisible forces instead of letting them command and rule you. Power implies service; inspiration implies power; to understand and apply the method of inspiration is to become a Superman.  
  20. We can live more abundantly every time we breathe, if we consciously breathe with that intention. The IF is a very important condition in this case, as the intention governs the attention, and without the attention you can secure only the results which every one else secures. That is, a supply equal to the demand.  
  21. In order to secure the larger supply your demand must be increased, and as you consciously increase the demand the supply will follow, you will find yourself coming into a larger and larger supply of life, energy and vitality.  
  22. The reason for this is not difficult to understand, but it is another of the vital mysteries of life which does not seem to be generally appreciated. If you make it your own, you will find it one of the great realities of life.   
  23. We are told that "In Him we live and move and have our Being", and we are told that "He" is a Spirit, and again that "He" is Love, so that every time we breathe, we breathe this life, love, and Spirit. This is Pranic Energy, or Pranic Ether, we could not exist a moment without it. It is the Cosmic Energy; it is the Life of the Solar Plexus.  
  24. Every time we breathe we fill our lungs with air and at the same time vitalize our body with this Pranic Ether which is Life itself, so that we have the opportunity of making a conscious connection with All Life, All Intelligence and All Substance.    
  25. A knowledge of your relation and oneness with this Principle that governs the Universe and the simple method whereby you can consciously identify yourself with it gives you a scientific understanding of a Law whereby you may free yourself from disease, from lack or limitation of any kind; in fact, it enables you to breathe the "breath of life" into your own nostrils.  
  26. This "breath of life" is a superconscious reality. It is the essence of the "I am". It is pure "Being" or Universal Substance, and our conscious unity with it enables us to localize it, and thus exercise the powers of this creative energy.  
  27. Thought is creative vibration and the quality of the conditions created will depend upon the quality of our Thought, because we cannot express powers which we do not possess. We must "be" before we can "do" and we can "do" only to the extent to which we "are", and so what we do will necessarily coincide with what we "are" and what we are depends upon what we "think".  
  28. Every time you think you start a train of causation which will create a condition in strict accordance with the quality of the Thought which originated it. Thought which is in harmony with the Universal Mind will result in corresponding conditions. Thought which is destructive or discordant will produce corresponding results. You may use Thought constructively or destructively, but the Immutable Law will not allow you to plant a Thought of one kind and reap the fruit of another. You are free to use this marvelous creative power as you will, but you must take the consequences.  
  29. This is the danger from what is called Will Power. There are those who seem to think that by force of will they can coerce this Law; that they can sow seed of one kind and by "Will Power" make it bear fruit of another, but the fundamental principle of creative power is in the Universal, and therefore the idea of forcing a compliance with our wishes by the power of the individual will is an inverted conception which may appear to succeed for a while but is eventually doomed to failure - because it antagonizes the very power which it is seeking to use.   
  30. It is the individual attempting to coerce the Universal, the finite in conflict with the Infinite. Our permanent well-being will be best conserved by a conscious cooperation with the continuous forward movement of the Great Whole.   
  31. For your exercise this week, go into the Silence and concentrate on the fact that "In Him we live and move and have our Being" is literally and scientifically exact! That you ARE because HE IS, that if He is Omnipresent He must be in you. That if He is all in all you must be in Him! That He is Spirit and you are made in "His image and likeness" and that the only difference between His Spirit and your Spirit is one of degree, that a part must be the same in kind and quality as the whole. When you can realize this clearly you will have found the secret of the creative power of Thought, you will have found the secret of the creative power of Thought, you will have found the origin of both good and evil, you will have found the secret of the wonderful power of concentration, you will have found the key to the solution of every problem whether physical, financial, or environmental.  
The Power To Think Consecutively And Deeply And Clearly, Is An Avowed And Deadly Enemy To Mistakes And Blunders, Superstitions, Unscientific Theories, Irrational Beliefs, Unbridled Enthusiasm, Fanaticism. 
- Haddock 


1. Upon what condition does power depend?
=> Upon recognition and use.  

2. What is recognition? 
=> Consciousness.  

3. How do we become conscious of power?
=> By thinking.  

4. What then is the true business of life?
=> Correct scientific thinking.   

5. What is correct scientific thinking? 
=> The ability to adjust our Thought processes to the will of the Universal. In other words, to cooperate with Natural Laws.  

6. How is this accomplished? 
=> By securing a perfect understanding of the principles, forces, methods and combinations of Mind.  

7. What is this Universal Mind?
=> The basic fact of all existence.  ti

8. What is the cause of all lack, limitation, disease and discord? 
=> It is due to the operation of exactly the same Law, the Law operates relentlessly and is continually bringing about conditions in correspondence with the Thought which originated or created them.  

9. What is inspiration? 
=> The art of realizing the Omnipresence of Omniscience.  

10. Upon what does the conditions with which we meet depend?
=> Upon the quality of our Thought. Because what we do depends upon what we are and what we are depends upon what we think.   

Part Nineteen - The Master Key System

Fear is a powerful form of Thought. It paralyzes the nerve centers, thus affecting the circulation of the blood.  

This, in turn, paralyzes the muscular system, so that fear affects the entire Being; body, Brain and nerve, physical, mental, and muscular.  

Of course, the way to overcome fear is to become conscious of power. What is this mysterious vital force which we call power? We do not know, but then, neither do we know what electricity is.  

But we do know that by conforming to the requirements of the Law by which electricity is governed, it will be our obedient servant; that it will light our homes, our cities, run our machinery, and serve us in many useful capacities.  

And so it is with vital force. Although we do not know what it is, and possibly may never know, we do know that it is a primary force which manifests through living bodies, and that by complying with the Laws and principles by which it is governed, we can open ourselves to a more abundant inflow of this vital energy, and thus express the highest possible degree of mental, moral, and Spiritual efficiency.   

This part tells of a very simple way of developing this vital force. If you put into practice the information outlined in this lesson you will soon develop the sense of power which has ever been the distinguishing mark of genius.   


  1. The search for Truth is no longer a haphazard adventure, but it is a systematic process, and is logical in its operation. Every kind of experience is given a voice in shaping its decision.  
  2. In seeking the Truth we are seeking ultimate cause; we know that every human experience is an effect; then if we may ascertain the cause, and if we shall find that this cause is one which we can consciously control, the effect or the experience will be within our control also.  
  3. Human experience will then no longer be the football of fate; a man will not be the child of fortune, but destiny. Fate and fortune will be controlled as readily as a Captain controls his ship, or an engineer his train.  
  4. All things are finally resolvable into the same element and as they are thus translatable, one into the other, they must ever be in relation and may never be in opposition to one another.  
  5. In the physical world there are innumerable contrasts, and these may for convenience sake, be designated by distinctive names. There are sizes, colors, shades or ends to all things. There is a North Pole, and a South Pole, an inside and an outside, a seen and an unseen, but these expressions merely serve to place extremes in contrast.  
  6. They are names given to two different parts of one quantity. The two extremes are relative; they are not separate entities, but are two parts or aspects of the whole.   
  7. In the Mental World we find the same Law; we speak of knowledge and ignorance, but ignorance is but a lack of knowledge and is therefore found to be simply a word to express the absence of knowledge; it has no principle in itself.   
  8. In the Moral World we again find the same Law; we speak of good and evil, but Good is a reality, something tangible, while Evil is found to be simply a negative condition, the absence of Good. Evil is sometimes Thought to be a very real condition, but it has no principle, no vitality, no life; we know this because it can always be destroyed by Good; just as Truth destroys Error and Light destroys Darkness, so Evil vanishes when Good appears; there is therefore but one principle in the Moral World.  
  9. We find exactly the same Law obtaining in the Spiritual World; we speak of Mind and Matter as two separate entities, but clearer insight makes it evident that there is but one operative principle and that is Mind.  
  10. Mind is the real and the Eternal. Matter is forever changing; we know that in the eons of time a hundred years is but as a day. If we stand in any large city and let the eye rest on the innumerable large and magnificent buildings, the vast array of conveniences of modern civilization, we may remember that not one of them was there just over a century ago, and if we could stand on the same spot in a hundred years from now, in all probability we should find that but few of them remained.  
  11. In the animal kingdom we find the same Law of Change. The millions and millions of animals come and go, a few years constituting their span of life. In the plant world the change is still more rapid. Many plants and nearly all grasses come and go in a single year. When we pass to the inorganic, we expect to find something more substantial, but as we gaze on the apparently solid continent, we are told that it arose from the ocean; we see the giant mountain and are told that the place where it now stands was once a lake; and as we stand in awe before the great cliffs in the Yosemite Valley we can easily trace the path of the glaciers which carried all before them.  
  12. We are in the presence of continual change, and we know that this change is but the evolution of the Universal Mind, the grand process whereby all things are continually being created anew, and we come to know that matter is but a form which Mind takes and is therefore simply a condition. Matter has no principle; Mind is the only principle. 
  13. We have then come to know that Mind is the only principle which is operative in the physical, mental, moral and Spiritual World.  
  14. We also know that this Mind is static, mind at rest, we also know that the ability of the individual to think is his ability to act upon the Universal Mind and convert it into dynamic Mind, or Mind in motion.  
  15. In order to do this, fuel must be applied in the form of food, for man cannot think without eating, and so we find that even a Spiritual activity such as thinking cannot be converted into sources of pleasure and profit except by making use of material means.  
  16. It requires energy of some kind to collect electricity and convert it into a dynamic power, it requires the rays of the sun to give the necessary energy to sustain plant life, so it also requires energy in the form of food to enable the individual to think and thereby act upon the Universal Mind.  
  17. You may know that Thought constantly, eternally is taking form, is forever seeking expression, or you may not, but the fact remains that if your Thought is powerful, constructive, and positive, this will be plainly evident in the state of your health, your business and your environment; if your Thought is weak, critical, destructive and negative generally, it will manifest in your body as fear, worry and nervousness, in your finance as lack and limitation, and in discordant conditions in your environment.  
  18. All wealth is the offspring of power; possessions are of value only as they confer power. Events are significant only as they affect power; all things represent certain forms and degrees of power.  
  19. A knowledge of cause and effect as shown by the Laws governing steam, electricity, chemical affinity and gravitation enables men to plan courageously and to execute fearlessly. These Laws are called Natural Laws, because they govern the physical world, but all power is not physical power; there is also mental power, and there is moral and Spiritual power.  
  20. What are our schools, our universities, but mental powerhouses, places where mental power is being developed?  
  21. As there are many mighty powerhouses for the application of power to ponderous machinery, whereby raw material is collected and converted into the necessities and comforts of life, so the mental powerhouses collect the raw material and cultivate and develop it into a power which is infinitely superior to all the forces of nature, marvelous though they may be.  
  22. What is this raw material which is being collected in these thousands of mental powerhouses all over the world and developed into a power which is evidently controlling every other power? In its static form it is Mind - in its dynamic form, it is Thought.  
  23. This power is superior because it exists on a higher plane, because it has enabled man to discover the Law by which these wonderful forces of Nature could be harnessed and made to do the work of hundreds and thousands of men. It has enabled man to discover Laws whereby time and space have been annihilated, and the Law of Gravitation overcome.  
  24. Thought is the vital force or energy which is being developed and which has produced such startling results in the last half century as to bring about a world which would be absolutely inconceivable to a man existing only 50 or 25 years ago. If such results have been secured by organizing these mental powerhouses in 50 years, what may not be expected in another 50 years?  
  25. The substance from which all things are created is infinite in quantity; we know that light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second, and we know that there are stars so remote that it takes light 2,000 years to reach us, and we know that such stars exist in all parts of the heaven; we know, too, that this light comes in waves, so that if the ether on which these waves travel was not continuous the light would fail to reach us; we can then only come to the conclusion that this substance, or ether, or raw material, is universally present.  
  26. How, then, does it manifest in form? In electrical science a battery is formed by connecting the opposite poles of zinc and copper, which causes a current to flow from one to the other and so provides energy. This same process is repeated in respect to every polarity, and as all form simply depends upon the rate of vibration and consequent relations of atoms to each other, if we wish to change the form of manifestation we must change the polarity. This is the principle of causation.  
  27. For your exercise this week, concentrate, and when I use the word concentrate, I mean all that the word implies; become so absorbed in the object of your Thought that you are conscious of nothing else, and do this a few minutes every day. You take the necessary time to eat in order that the body may be nourished, why not take the time to assimilate your mental food?  
  28. Let the Thought rest on the fact that appearances are deceptive. The earth is not flat, neither is it stationary; the sky is not a dome, the sun does not move, the stars are not small specks of light, and matter which was once supposed to be fixed has been found to be in a state of perpetual flux.  
  29. Try to realize that the day is fast approaching - its dawn is now at hand - when modes of Thought and action must be adjusted to rapidly increasing knowledge of the operation of Eternal principles.  
Silent Thought, Is, After All, The Mightiest Agent In Human Affairs.
- Channing 


1. How are extremes placed in contrast? 

=> They are designated by distinctive names, such as inside and outside, top and bottom, light and dark, good and bad. 

2. Are these separate entities?  

=> No, they are parts or aspects of one Whole.   

3. What is the one creative Principle in the physical, mental and Spiritual world? 

=> The Universal Mind, or the Eternal Energy from which all things proceed.   

4. How are we related to this creative Principle? 

=> By our ability to think.  

5. How does this creative Principle become operative? 

=> Thought is the seed, which results in action and action results in form.  

6. Upon what does form depend? 

=> Upon the rate of vibration.  

7. How may the rate of vibration be changed? 

=> By mental action.  

8. Upon what does mental action depend? 

=> Upon polarity, action and reaction, between the individual and the Universal.  

9. Does the creative energy originate in the individual or the Universal? 

=> In the Universal, but the Universal can manifest only through the individual.   

10. Why is the individual necessary? 

=> Because the Universal is static, and requires energy to start it in motion. This is furnished by food which is converted into energy, which in turn enables the individual to think. When the individual stops eating he stops thinking; then he no longer acts upon the Universal; there is consequently no longer any action or reaction; the Universal is then only pure Mind in static form - mind at rest.  

Part Eighteen - The Master Key System

In order to grow we must obtain what is necessary for our growth. This is brought about through the Law of Attraction. This principle is the sole means by which the individual is differentiated from the Universal. 

Think for a moment, what would a man be if he were not a husband, father, or brother, if he were not interested in the social, economical, political or religious world. He would be nothing but an abstract theoretical ego. He exists, therefore, only in his relation to the whole, in his relation to other men, in his relation to society. This relation constitutes his environment and in no other way.  

It is evident, therefore, that the individual is simply the differentiation of the one Universal Mind "which lighteth every man that cometh into the world", and his so-called individuality or personality consists of nothing but the manner in which he relates with the whole.  

This we call his environment and is brought about by the Law of Attraction. Part Eighteen, which follows, has something more to say concerning this important Law.  


  1. There is a change in the Thought of the world. This change is silently transpiring in our midst, and is more important than any which the world has undergone since the downfall of Paganism.  
  2. These present revolution in the opinions of all classes of men, the highest and most cultured of men as well as those of the laboring class, stands unparalleled in the history of the world.  
  3. Science has of late made such vast discoveries, has revealed such an infinity of resources, has unveiled such enormous possibilities and such unsuspected forces, that scientific men more and more hesitate to affirm certain theories as established and beyond doubt or to deny other theories as absurd or impossible.  
  4. A new civilization is being born; customs, creeds, and precedent are passing; vision, faith and service are taking their place. The fetters of tradition are being melted off from humanity, and as the impurities of materialism are being consumed, Thought is being liberated and Truth is rising full robed before an astonished multitude.  
  5. The whole world is on the eve of a new consciousness, a new power, and a new realization within the Self.  
  6. Physical Science has resolved matter into molecules, molecules into atoms, atoms into energy, and it has remained for Mr. J. A. Fleming, in an address before the Royal Institution, to resolve this energy into Mind. He says, "In its ultimate essence, energy may be incomprehensible by us except as an exhibition of the direct operation of that which we call Mind or Will".  
  7. And this Mind is the indwelling and ultimate. It is imminent in matter as in Spirit. It is the sustaining, energizing, all pervading Spirit of the Universe.  
  8. Every living thing must be sustained by this Omnipotent Intelligence, and we find the difference in individual lives to be largely measured by the degree of this intelligence, which they manifest. It is greater intelligence that places the animal in a higher scale of being than the plant, the man higher than the animal, and we find that this increased intelligence is again indicated by the power of the individual to control modes of action and thus to consciously adjust himself to his environment.  
  9. It is this adjustment that occupies the attention of the greatest Minds, and this adjustment consists in nothing else than the recognition of an existing order in the Universal Mind, for it is well-known that this Mind will obey us precisely in proportion as we first obey it.  
  10. It is the recognition of Natural Laws that has enabled us to annihilate time and space, to soar in the air and to make iron float, and the greater the degree of intelligence the greater will be our recognition of these Natural Laws and the greater will be the power we can possess.  
  11. It is the recognition of the Self as an individualization of this Universal Intelligence that enables the individual to control those forms of intelligence which have not yet reached this level of self-recognition; they do not know that this Universal Intelligence permeates all things ready to be called into action; they do not know that it is responsive to every demand, and they are therefore in bondage to the Law of their own Being.  
  12. Thought is creative and the principle on which the Law is based is sound and legitimate and is inherent in the nature of things; but this creative power does not originate in the individual, but in the Universal, which is the source and foundation of all energy and substance; the individual is simply the channel for the distribution of this energy.  
  13. The individual is simply the means by which the Universal produces the various combinations which result in the formation of phenomena, which depends upon the Law of Vibration, whereby various rates of rapidity of motion in the primary substance form new substances only in certain exact numerical ratios. 
  14. Thought is the invisible link by which the individual comes into communication with the Universal, the finite with the Infinite, the seen with the Unseen. Thought is the magic by which the human is transformed into a being who thinks and knows and feels and acts.  
  15. As the proper apparatus has enabled the eye to discover worlds without number millions of miles away, so, with the proper understanding, man has been enabled to communicate with the Universal Mind, the source of all power.
  16. The Understanding which is usually developed is nothing more than a "belief", which means nothing at all. The savages of the Cannibal Islands believe something; but that proves nothing.  
  17. The only belief which is of any value to anyone is a belief that has been put to a test and demonstrated to be a fact; it is then no longer a belief, but has become a living Faith or Truth.  
  18. And this Truth has been put to the test by hundreds of thousands of people and has been found to be the Truth exactly in proportion to the usefulness of the apparatus which they used.  
  19. A man would not expect to locate stars hundreds of millions of miles away without a sufficiently strong telescope, and for this reason Science is continually engaged in building larger and more powerful telescopes and is continually rewarded by additional knowledge of the heavenly bodies.  
  20. So with understanding; men are continually making progress in the methods which they use to come into communications with the Universal Mind and its infinite possibilities.  
  21. The Universal Mind manifests itself in the Objective, through the principle of attraction that each atom has for every other atom, in infinite degrees of intensity.  
  22. It is by this principle of combining and attracting that things are brought together. This principle is of Universal application and is the sole means whereby the purpose of existence is carried into effect. 
  23. The expression of growth is met in a most beautiful manner through the instrumentality of this Universal Principle. 
  24. In order to grow we must obtain what is essential for our growth, but as we are at all times a complete Thought entity, this completeness makes it possible for us to receive only as we give; growth is therefore conditioned on reciprocal action, and we find that on the mental plane like attracts like, that mental vibrations respond only to the extent of their vibratory harmony. 
  25. It is clear, therefore, that Thoughts of abundance will respond only to similar Thoughts; the wealth of the individual is seen to be what he inherently is. Affluence within is found to be the secret of attraction for affluence without. The ability to produce is found to be the real source of wealth of the individual. It is for this reason that he who has his heart in his work is certain to meet with unbounded success. He will give and continually give; and the more he gives, he more he will receive. 
  26. What do the great financiers of Wall Street, the Captains of Industry, the statesmen, the great corporation attorneys, the inventors, the physicians, the authors - what do each of these contribute to the sum of human happiness but the power of their Thought?  
  27. Thought is the energy which the Law of Attraction is brought into operation, which eventually manifests in abundance.  
  28. The Universal Mind is static Mind or Substance in equilibrium. It is differentiated into form by our power to think. Thought is the dynamic phase of Mind.  
  29. Power depends upon consciousness of power; unless we use it, we shall lose it, and unless we are conscious of it, we cannot use it.  
  30. The use of this power depends upon attention; the degree of attention determines our capacity for the acquirement of knowledge which is another name for power. 
  31. Attention has been held to be the distinguishing mark of genius. The cultivation of attention depends upon practice.  
  32. The incentive of attention is interest; the greater the interest, the greater the attention; the greater the attention, the greater the interest, action and reaction; begin by paying attention; before long you will have aroused interest; this interest will attract more attention, and this attention will produce more interest, and so on. This practice will enable you to cultivate the power of attention. 
  33. This week concentrate upon your power to create; seek insight, perception; try to find a logical basis for the faith which is in you. Let the Thought dwell on the fact that the physical man lives and moves and has his Being in the sustainer of all organic life air, that he must breathe to live. The let the Thought rest on the fact that the Spiritual man also lives and moves and has his Being in a similar but subtler energy upon which he must depend for life, and that as in the physical world no life assumes form until after a seed is sown, and no higher fruit than that of the parent stock can be produced; so in the Spiritual world no effect can be produced until the seed is sown and the fruit will depend upon the nature of the seed, so that the results which you secure depend upon your perception of Law in the mighty domain of causation; the highest evolution of human consciousness.   
There Is No Thought In My Mind But It Quickly Tends To Convert Itself Into A Power And Organizes A Huge Instrumentality Of Means. 


1. How is the difference in individual lives measured? 
=> By the degree of intelligence which they manifest.  

2. What is the Law by which the individual may control other forms of intelligence? 
=> A recognition of the Self as an individualization of the Universal Intelligence.  

3. Where does the creative power originate? 
=> In the Universal.  

4. How does the Universal create form?
=> By means of the individual.  

5. What is the connecting link between the individual and the Universal?
=> Thought.  

6. What is the principle by which the means of existence is carried into effect? 
=> The Law of Love.  

7. How is this principle brought into expression?
=> By the Law of Growth.  

8. Upon what condition does the Law of Growth depend? 
=> Upon reciprocal action. The individual is complete at all times and this makes it possible to receive only as we give.  

9. What is it that we give?
=> Thought.  

10. What do we receive?
=> Thought, which is substance in equilibrium and which is constantly being differentiated in form by what we think.  

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