Wednesday, December 11, 2013

CHAPTER 1: THOUGHT POWER - Its Physics And Its Philosophy

Thought Excels Light In Speed 

While light travels at the rate of 1,86,000 miles per second, Thoughts virtually travel in no time.  

Thought is finer than ether, the medium of electricity. In broadcasting, a singer sings beautiful songs at Calcutta. You can hear them nicely through the radio set in your own house at Delhi. All messages are received through the wireless.  

Even so your Mind is like a wireless machine. A Saint with peace, poise, harmony and Spiritual waves sends out into the world Thoughts of harmony and peace. They travel with lightning speed in all directions and enter the Minds of persons and produce in them also similar Thoughts of harmony and peace. Whereas a worldly man whose Mind is full of jealousy, revenge and hatred sends out discordant Thoughts which enter the Minds of thousands and stir them similar Thoughts of hatred and discord.   

The Medium Through Which Thoughts Travel 

If we throw a piece of stone in a tank or a pool of water, it will produce a succession of concentric waves travelling all around from the affected place.  

The light of a candle will similarly give rise to waves of ethereal vibrations travelling in all directions from the candle.  

In the same manner, when a Thought, whether good or evil, crosses the Mind of a person, it gives rise to vibrations in the Manas or mental atmosphere, which travel far and wide in all directions.  

What is possible medium through which Thoughts can travel from one Mind to another? The best possible explanation is that Manas or Mind-substance fills all space like ether and it serves as the vehicle for Thoughts, as Prana is the vehicle for feeling, as ether is the vehicle for heat, light and electricity and as air is the vehicle for sound.  

The Ether Of Space Registers Thoughts 

You can move the world through Thought-force. Thought has great power. It can be transmitted from one man to another man. The powerful Thoughts of great Sages and Rishis of yore are still recorded in the Akasa (Akasic records). 

Yogins who have clairvoyant vision can perceive those Thought-images. They can read them.  

You are surrounded by an ocean of Thought. You are floating in the ocean of Thought. You are absorbing certain Thoughts and repelling some in the Thought-world.  

Everyone has his own Thought-world.  

Thoughts Are Living Things 

Thoughts are living things. A Thought is as much solid as a piece of stone. We may cease to be, but our Thoughts can never die.  

Every change in Thought is accomplished by vibration of its matter (mental). Thought as force needs a special kind of subtle matter in its working.  

The stronger the Thoughts, the earlier the fructification. Thought is focused and given a particular direction and, in the degree that Thought is thus focused and given direction, it is effective in the work it is sent out to accomplish.   

Thoughts Are Finer Forces 

Thought is a finer force. This is supplied to us by food. If you read Chhandogya Upanishad - the dialogue between Uddalaka and Svetaketu - you will understand this point well.  

If the food is pure, Thought also becomes pure. He who has pure Thoughts speaks very powerfully and produces deep impression on the Minds of the hearers by his speech. He influences thousands of persons through his pure Thoughts.  

A pure Thought is sharper than the edge of a razor. Entertain always pure, sublime Thoughts. Thought-culture is an exact science.  

Thoughts As Wireless Messages 

Those who harbor Thoughts of hatred, jealousy, revenge and malice are verily very dangerous persons. They cause unrest and ill-will amongst men. Their Thoughts and feelings are like wireless messages broadcast in ether, and are received by those whose Minds respond to such vibrations.  

Thought moves with tremendous velocity. Those who entertain sublime and pious Thoughts help others, who are in their vicinity and at a distance also.  

Thoughts Are Tremendous Powers 

Thought has got tremendous power. Thought can heal diseases. Thoughts can transform the mentality of persons. Thought can do anything. It can work wonders. The velocity of Thought is unimaginable.  

Thought is a dynamic force. It is caused by the vibrations of psychic Prana or Sukshma Prana on the mental substance. It is a force like gravitation, cohesion or repulsion. Thought travels or moves.  

Thought-Waves And Thought-Transference 

What is this world, after all? It is nothing but the materialization of the Thought-forms of Hiranyagarbha or God.  

You have got waves of heat and light and electricity in science. There are also Thought-waves in Yoga. Thought has tremendous power. Everybody is experiencing the Power of Thought unconsciously to a greater or lesser degree.   

Great Yogins like Jnanadev, Bhartrihari and Patanjali used to send and receive messages to and from distant persons through mind-telepathy (mental radio) and Thought-transference. Telepathy was the first wireless telegraph and telephone service ever known to the world.  

Just as you take physical exercises, play games such as tennis and cricket in order to maintain physical health, you will have to maintain mental health by radiating the right Thought-waves, by taking Sattvic food, mental recreation of an innocent and harmless nature, change the mood, relaxation of Mind by entertaining good, ennobling and sublime Thoughts and by cultivating the habit of cheerfulness.  

Marvels Of Thought-Vibrations 

Every Thought that you send out is a vibration which never perishes. It goes on vibrating every particle of the Universe and if your Thoughts are noble, holy and forcible, they set in vibration every Sympathetic Mind.   

Unconsciously all people who are like you take the Thought you have projected and in accordance with the capacity that they have, they send out similar Thoughts. The result is that, without your knowledge of the consequences of your own work, you will be setting in motion great forces which will work together and put down the lowly and mean Thoughts generated by the selfish and the wicked.   

Diversity Of Thought-Vibrations 

Every man has his own Mental World, his own mode of thinking, his own ways of understanding things and his own ways of acting. 

Just as the face and voice of every man differ from those of another man, the mode of thinking and understanding also differs. This is the reason why misunderstanding easily occurs between friends.  

One is not able to understand rightly the views of another. Hence friction, rupture and quarrel occur within a minute even amongst fast friends. The friendship does not last long. 

One should be in tune with the mental vibrations or Thought-vibrations of another. Then only can one easily understand another.  

Lustful Thoughts, Thoughts of hatred, jealousy and selfishness produce distorted images in the Mind and cause clouding of understanding, perversion of intellect, loss of memory and confusion in the Mind.   

Conservation Of Thought-Energy 

In physics you have the term "power of orientation". Though the mass of energy is there, the current will not flow. It must be connected to the magnet and then the electric will flow through the power of orientation.   

Even so, the Mental Energy which is dissipated and misdirected in various worthless worldly Thoughts should be well directed in proper Spiritual channels.  

Do not store in your Brain useless information. Learn to un-mind the Mind. Unlearn whatever has been of no use to you. Then only can you fill your Mind with Divine Thoughts. You will gain new Mental strength as the dissipated Mental rays are collected now.   

The Cell-Theory And The Thoughts 

A cell is a mass of protoplasm with a nucleus. It is endowed with intelligence. Some cells secrete, while some cells excrete. The cells of the testes secrete semen; the cells of the kidneys excrete urine. Some cells act the part of a soldier. They defend the body from the inroads or attacks of foreign poisonous matter and germs. They digest and throw them out. Some cells carry food materials to the tissues and organs.   

The cells perform their work without your Conscious volition. Their activities are controlled by the Sympathetic Nervous System. They are in direct communion with the Mind in the Brain.  

Every impulse of the Mind, every Thought, is conveyed to the cells. They are greatly influenced by the varying conditions or states of the Mind. If there are confusion, depression and other negative emotions and Thoughts in the Mind, they are telegraphically transmitted through the nerves to every cell in the body. The soldier-cells become panic-stricken. They are weakened. They are not able to perform their function properly. They become inefficient.  

Some people are extremely body-conscious, and possess no idea of the Self. They live irregular, indiscipline lives and fill their stomaches with sweets, pastries, and so on. There is no rest for the digestive and the eliminating organs. They suffer from physical weakness and diseases. The atoms, molecules and cells in their bodies produce discordant or inharmonious vibrations. They have no hope, confidence, faith, serenity and cheerfulness. They are unhappy. The life-force is not operating properly. Their vitality is a at a low ebb. Their Mind is filled with fear, despair, worry and anxiety.   

Primal Thought And Modern Science 

Thought is the greatest force on earth. Thought is the most powerful weapon in the armour of a Yogi. Constructive Thought transforms, renews and builds.  

The far-reaching possibilities of this force were most accurately developed to perfection by the ancients and put to the highest possible use.   

For, Thought is the primal force at the origin and back of all creation; the genesis of the entire phenomenal creation is given as a single Thought that arose in the Cosmic Mind.  

The world is the Primal Idea made manifest. This First Thought became manifest as a vibration issuing from the Eternal Stillness of the Divine Essence. This is the reference in classic terminology to the Ichha, desire of the Hiranyagarbha, Cosmic Soul, that originates as a Spandana or vibration.   

This vibration is nothing like the rapid oscillation to and fro of physical particles, but is something infinitely subtle, so subtle as to be even inconceivable to the normal Mind.  

But this has made it clear that all forces are ultimately resolvable into a state of pure vibration. Modern Science also has newly arrived at this conclusion after its prolonged researches in external physical nature.   

Radium And The Rare Yogi 

Radium is a rare commodity. Yogins who have controlled their Thoughts are also very rare in this world, like radium.  

Just as sweet perfume continuously emanates from an incense stick, so also Divine perfume and Divine effulgence (magnetic, Brahmic aura) radiate from a Yogi who has controlled his Thoughts and who is constantly dwelling on Brahman or the Infinite.  

The effulgence and perfume of his face is Brahma-Varchas. When you hold in your hand a bouquet made of jasmine, rose and Champaka flowers, the sweet pervades the whole hall and tickles all alike.  

Even so the perfume or fame and reputation (Yasas and Kirti) of a Yogi who has controlled his Thoughts spreads far and wide. He becomes a Cosmic Force.  

Thought - Its Weight, Size And Shape 

Every Thought has got weight, shape, size, form, color, quality and power. A Yogi can see all these Thoughts directly with his inner Yogic eye.  

Thoughts are like things. Just as you hand over an orange to your friend and take it back, so also you can give a useful, powerful Thought to your friend and also take it back.  

Thought is a great force; it moves; it creates. You can work wonders with the Power of Thought. You must know the right technique of handling and manipulating a Thought.  

Thought - Its Form, Its Name And Color 

Suppose your Mind is rendered perfectly calm, entirely without Thoughts. Nevertheless, as soon as Thought begins to rise, it will immediately take name and form.  

Every Thought has a certain name and a certain form. Thus you find that every idea that man has or can have, must be connected with a certain word as its counterpart. 

Form is the grosser and name the finer the state of a single manifesting power called Thought.  

But these three are One; wherever there is One, the other two also are there. Wherever name is, there are form and Thought.  

A Spiritual Thought has yellow color. A Thought charged with anger and hatred is of a dark red color, a selfish Thought has a brown color and so on.   

Thought - Its Power, Workings And Uses 

Thought is a vital, living dynamic power - the most vital, subtle and irresistible force existing in the Universe.  

Through the instrumentality of Thought you acquire creative power. Thought passes from one man to another. It influences people; a man of powerful Thought can influence readily people of weak Thoughts.   

There are nowadays numerous books on Thought-culture, Thought power, Thought dynamics. A study of them will give you a comprehensive understanding of Thought, its power, its workings and usefulness.   

We Live In A Boundless World Of Thoughts 

Thought alone is the whole world, the great pains, the old age, death and the great sin, earth, water, fire, air, ether. Thought binds a man. He, who has controlled his Thoughts, is a veritable God on this earth.   

You live in a world of Thoughts. First is Thought. Then there is the expression of that Thought through the organ of speech. Thought and language are intimately connected. Thoughts of anger, bitterness and malice injure others. If the Mind which is the cause of all Thoughts vanishes, the external objects will disappear.  

Thoughts are things. Sound, touch, form, taste and odor, the five sheaths, the waking, the dreaming and deep sleep states - all these are the products of Mind. Sankalpa, passion, anger, bondange, time - know them to be the result of Mind. Mind is the King of the Indriyas or senses. Thought is the root of all mental process.   

The Thoughts that we perceive all round us are only the Mind in form or substance. Thought creates, Thought destroys. Bitterness and sweetness do not lie in the objects, but they are in the Mind, in the subject, in thinking. They are created by Thought.  

Through the play of the Mind or Thought upon objects, proximity appears to be a great distance and vice-versa. All objects in this world are unconnected; they are connected and associated together only by Thought, by the imagination of your Mind. It is the Mind that gives color, shape, qualities to the objects. Mind assumes the shape of any object it intensely thinks upon.   

Friend and enemy, virtue and vice-versa are in the Mind only. Everyman creates a world of good and evil, pleasure and pain, out of his own imagination only. Good and evil, pleasure and pain do not proceed from objects. These belong to the attitude of your Mind. There is nothing good nor pleasure in this world. Your imagination makes it so.  

Thoughts, Electricity And Philosophy 

Thoughts are giant-powers. They are more powerful than electricity. They control your life, mould your character, and shape your destiny.   

Mark how one Thought expands into many Thoughts, within a short time. Suppose you get an idea to set up a tea-party for your friends. The one Thought of "tea" invites instantaneously the Thoughts of sugar, milk, tea-cups, tables, chairs, table-cloth, napkins, spoons, cakes, biscuits, etc. So, this world is nothing but the expansion of Thoughts. The expansion of Thoughts of the Mind towards the objects is bondage; and, the renunciation of Thoughts is liberation.   

You must be very watchful in nipping the Thoughts in the bud. Only then will you be really happy. Mind tricks and plays. You must understand its nature, ways and habits. Then only can you control it very easily.   

The world's most extraordinary book of practical philosophical idealism of India is Yoga-Vasishtha. The gist of this work is this: "The non-dual Brahman or the immortal soul alone exists. This Universe as Universe is not. Knowledge of the Self alone will free one from this round of births and deaths. Extinction of Thoughts and Vasanas is Moksha. Expansion of Mind alone is Sankalpa. Sankalpa or Thought, through its power of differentiation generates this Universe. This world is a play of the Mind. This world does not exist in the three periods of time. Extinction of Sankalpas is Moksha. Annihilate this little "I", Vasanas, Sankalpas, Thoughts. Meditate on the Self and becomes a Jivanmukta"

Outer World Pre-Exist In The Thoughts   

Every Thought has an image. A table is a mental image plus some external thing.  

Whatever you see outside has its counterpart in the Mind. The pupil is a small round thing in the eye. Retina is a small structure. How is it that the image of a big mountain seen through a small aperture or structure cast on the Mind? This is a marvel of marvels. 

The image of a mountain already exists in the Mind. The Mind is like a vast sheet of canvas that contains all the pictures of the objects seen outside.   

World - A Projection Of Thought 

Careful reflection will show that the entire Universe is in reality the projection of the human Mind - Manomatram Jagat. Purification and control of the Mind is the central aim of all Yogas. Mind in itself is but a record of impressions that keep expressing ceaselessly as impulses and Thoughts. The Mind is what it does. Thought impels you to action; activity creates fresh impressions in the Mind-stuff.   

Yoga strikes at the very root of this vicious circle by a method of effectively inhibiting the functions of the Mind. Yoga checks, controls and stops the root function of the Mind, i.e., Thought. When Thought is transcended, intuition functions and Self-knowledge supervenes.  

Thought has the potency of creating or undoing the world in the twinkling of an eye. Mind creates the world according to its own Sankalpa or Thought. It is the Mind that creates this Universe (Manomatram Jagat; Manahkalpitam Jagat). Through the play of the Mind; a Kalpa is reckoned by it as a moment and vice-versa. Like a dream generating another dream in it the Mind having no visible form generates existent visibles.  

Thoughts, World And The Timeless Reality 

It is the Mind that is the root cause of the tree of Samsara with its thousands of shoots, branches, tender leaves and fruits. If you annihilate Thoughts, you can destroy the tree of Samsara at once.  

Destroy the Thoughts as soon as they arise. The root will dry up through the annihilation of Thoughts, and the tree of Samsara will wither soon.  

This demands considerable patience and perseverance. You will be bathed in the ocean of bliss when all Thoughts are extirpated. This state is indescribable. You will have to feel it yourself.  

Just as the fire is absorbed into its source when the fuel is burnt out, so also, the Mind is absorbed into its source, the Atman, when all Sankalpas or Thoughts are annihilated. Then one Kaivalya, the experience of the Timeless Reality, the state of absolute independence. 

Other Chapters Of THOUGHT-POWER By Sri Swami Sivananda:-

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9:

Chapter 10:

Chapter 11:

Chapter 12: 

Preface - Thought Power

This instructive book carries in itself a life-transforming value. None who reads it, with the needed interest and attention, will ever feel inclined to remain unchanged in personal nature and untransformed in conduct and character. A good deal of careful judgment and confidence would assist us in asserting that no one who reads this work, will fail to resist the readiness to make of his own will a Power that alters and exalts his own life and destiny.   

The work is fraught with implicit guidance for turning our personalities into forces of compelling influence and charm, and for rendering our lives into so many grand stories of the epic unfoldment of the Divine Truth we enshrine, the Divine Light we bear, and the Divine perfection we hold in our inner Being.   

This, then, is a simple, straightforward, inspiring book that holds out many methods for the culture and nurture of Thought Power. It is also a work that prevents us with many useful suggestions which enables us to reach a region beyond the terrain of Thought and its power, a realm of transcendental Experience and God-consciousness.  

Helped by his own illimitable Love for all humanity, and dictated by the logic of his untiring energies for the service of every man, Sivananda has made himself extremely useful to all kinds of people, to men in all walks of life, and has written books on a rich diversity of themes in his own illuminating and Spiritual way.   

Embodying in himself the very Spirit of the whole of Indian Spiritual culture, Sivananda has poured out on mankind hundreds of gifts of the books the enshrine Wisdom of Life. The present work will commend itself, and will yield many rewards, to both the lay public and the community of Spiritual individuals. It will be found very valuable more particularly by persons who, while not believing in any religion, not given over to love any God, not subscribing to any article of Faith, are yet eager to live a life of power, purity, peace, prosperity, happiness and fulfillment, right in the environs of their work-a-day world.  

Sivananda has attempted implicitly to present in this work, a dynamic knowledge of Thought Power at these three distinct fields:- 
  1. THE FIELD OF HIGHER APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY: Here Sivananda speaks of Thoughts as forces that chisel countenance, fashion character, change destiny, and make of life an all-round success.  
  2. The field of a FULL-FLEDGED PARAPSYCHOLOGY: This field is covered by those widely scattered passages and chapters in this work, which throw illumination on the fact that human Mind is the seat and centre of a number of supernormal powers and factors. Sivananda urges the readers to tap these powers, and to make operative in their outer life, the various higher faculties they command.  
  3. THE FIELD OF TRANSCENDENTAL REALIZATION: Wherever Sivananda prescribes a method for, or speaks of Thought-transcendence, he is attempting to lead us into the domains of Divine Realization in which Thought ceases to be Thought, and blazes into Infinite Consciousness.  
This works, then, represents Sivananda to the readers, in a way, as a practical psychologist, a physicist and chemist in the world of the phenomenon of Thought, a parapsychologist, a Yogi, and thus helps them build their future, gain their success in life, and acquire the power to manipulate Thought and wrest from it the extraordinary power it holds.  

The book will also help them to attain refinement and culture by Thought-discipline, use their capacity for releasing wholesome, constructive and inspiring Thought-vibrations, obtain by accomplishing something great and grand, peace, happiness, and gain God-realization which is the meaning, aim, and ultimate destiny of all human life on earth.  

Table Of Contents (Thought-Power)


Thought Excels Light In Speed 

The Medium Through Which Thoughts Travel 

The Ether Of Space Registers Thoughts 

Thoughts Are Living Things 

Thoughts Are Finer Forces 

Thoughts As Wireless Messages 

Thought-Waves And Thought-Transference 

Marvels Of Thought-Vibrations 

Diversity Of Thought-Energy 

Conservation Of Thought-Energy 

The Cell-Theory And The Thoughts 

Primal Thought And Modern Science 

Radium And The Rare Yogi 

Thought - Its Weight, Size And Shape 

Thought - Its Form, Its Name And Color  

Thought - Its Power, Workings And Uses 

We Live In A Boundless World Of Thoughts 

Thoughts, Electricity And Philosophy 

Outer World Pre-Exists In The Thoughts 

World - A Projection Of Thought 

Thoughts, World And The Timeless Reality 


Thought - The Architect Of Destiny 

Thoughts Chisel Your Countenance 

Thoughts Feature The Physical Expressions 

Your Eyes Betray Your Thoughts 

Negative Thoughts Poison Life 

Psycho-Physical Imbalances 

The Creative Powers Of Thought 

Similar Thoughts Attract Each Other 

Spanish Flu And The Contagion Of Thoughts  

The Application Of A Psychological Law 

Understand The Laws Of Thought 

The Laws Implied In Higher Thoughts 

Thought - A Boomerang 

Thoughts And The Waves Of The Sea 

Color And Influence Of Saintly Thoughts 

Aura And Dynamics Of A Developed Mind 

Dynamics Of Thoughts And Moods 

Thought-Dynamics In Universal Environs 


Serve Others By Thought-Vibrations 

Doctors Can Heal By Suggestion 

Yogins Preach By Thought-Transference 

Influence Others By Thought 

Varied Utility Of Thought Power 

Powers Of Thought - Their Value 

Thoughts Accomplish Many A Mission 

Power Of Thoughts That Prompt 

Practice Thought-Transference 

Parapsychology And Subconscious Thoughts 

Power Of Vigorous, Divine Thoughts 


Thoughts Promote Radiant Health 

Thoughts Develop Personality 

Thoughts Affect The Body 

Thought Power Changes Destiny 

Thoughts Cause Physiological Disorder 

Thought Power Creates Environments 

Thoughts Form The Physical Body 


Acquisition Of Thought Power By Moral Purity 

Thought Power by Concentration 

Thought Power By Organized Thinking 

Thought Power By Will-Power 

Simple Prescriptions For Clear Thinking  

Sadhana For Deep And Original Thinking  

Meditation For Applied And Sustained Thinking  

Acquire Creative Thought Power 

Develop Individuality: Resist Suggestions 

Supernormal Powers By Thought-Discipline 


Get Over Gloomy Thoughts 

Victory Over Intrusive Thoughts 

Drive Away Obnoxious Thoughts 

Master Worldly Thoughts 

Conquer Impure Thoughts 

Subdue Negative Thoughts 

Overcome Habitual Thoughts 

Triumph Over Unimportant Thoughts 

Transform Instinctive Thoughts 

Lessen The Number Of Habitual Thoughts 

Gather Inspirational Thoughts 

Reflect Over Illuminating Thoughts 

Right Thoughts For Wrong Thoughts 

The Gamut Of Thoughts 

Mean Thoughts And Moral Development 


Thought-Control By Practice Of Concentration 

Thought-Control By A Positive Attitude 

Thought-Control By Non-Cooperation 

Art Of Thinning Out Thoughts 

Thought-Control By Napoleon's Method 

Arrest The Recurrence Of Evil Thoughts 

Give The Wrong Thought No Concession 

Nip The Bad Thought In Its Bud 

Spiritual Practice For Elimination Of Evil Thoughts  

Best Remedies For Evil Thoughts 

Daily Discipline Of Thoughts 

Thoughts And The Snake-Analogy 

World-Conquest By Thought-Conquest 

Form A Divine Channel For Thought-Force 

Role Of Vigilance In Thought-Control 

Watch And Spiritualize Your Thoughts 


Discrimination And Inner Mental Culture 

Unwholesome Thoughts And Self-Watchfulness 

Self-Development By Yogic Thought-Culture 

Thought-Culture By The Method Of Substitution 

Spiritual Methods For Thought-Culture 

The Importance Of Thought-Culture 

The Battle Of Thoughts 

Good Thought - The First Perfection  

Culture The Thoughts And Become A Buddha 

Avoid Thoughts Of Another Man's Defects 

Last Thought Determines Next Birth  

The Background Of Sattvic Thought 

The Pure Consciousness And Freedom Of Thoughts  


Thoughts And Life 

Thoughts And Character 

Thoughts And Words 

Thoughts And Actions 

Thoughts, Peace And Strength 

Thought, Energy And Sacred Thoughts 

Thoughts That Bind 

From Pure Thoughts To Transcendental Experience 

Raja Yogic Method For Thought-Transcendence 

Vedantic Technique For Thought-Transcendence 


Thought Power And Practical Idealism - I 

Thought Power And Practical Idealism - II 

Thought Power And Practical Idealism - III  

Some Thought-Seeds  


Life - An Interplay Of Thoughts  

Thought Results In Spiritual Experience 

Thoughts Of God 

Divine Thoughts For Freedom From Disease 

Thought-Culture By Knowledge And Devotion  

Thoughts And Yoga Practice Of Mental Quietude 

Winning Friends By Practice Of Yoga  

The Yogic State Of Thoughtlessness  

Yogi Of The Developed Thought Power 

Thought-Boats To Infinite Strength 


Pure Thoughts - Their Impact On The World 

Thought Power For World-Weal 

Thought Power For Cultivation Of Courage And Love 

Thought Power For An Ideal Life 

Thought-Energy For Service And Spiritual Progress 

Help The World By Good Thoughts  

Thought Power And The Conditions For A New Civilization  

Publisher's Note (Thought Power)

The value of this great little work is evident from a mere reading of its table of contents. It is a book of perennial interest and many-sided usefulness for self-culture, self-knowledge, acquisition of the power of personality and success in life.  

It is a work that edifies, imparts illumination to the intelligence, and empowers human will for good and for achievement for greatness. Students, grown-up persons, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, seekers after Truth and lovers of God - all are bound to find in the pages of this publication plenty of specific guidance for Thought-culture and Thought-Power and for living a positive, dynamic, rich, triumphant and joyous life.  

- The Divine Life Society 

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